Mary Had a Little Lamb是首可愛的歌曲。  記得多年前教中班小寶貝們唱這首歌時,就有小寶貝問我,Mary為什麼只有小綿羊呢?為什麼不是恐龍或是Puppy , Kitty! 我說好吧,我們就來想想如果Mary 有隻Puppy或是Kitty,會是如何呢!


*Mary had a big dinosaur.

Big dinosaur, Big dinosaur.

Mary had a big dinosaur

Its teeth were very sharp.

*Brian had a big dog.

Big dog, big dog.

Brian had a big dog.

Its tail was very long.


這故事的歌詞有四段,相當有趣Mary 和小羊一同去上學發生的有趣故事。

Mary had a little lamb
little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went
Mary went, Mary went
Everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go.

It followed her to school one day
school one day, school one day,
It followed her to school one day
That was against the rule

It made the children laugh and play
laugh and play, laugh and play
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.

And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near,
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear.

“Why does the lamb love Mary so?
Mary so?
 Mary so ?
Why does the lamb love Mary so?”
The eager children cry

直到2011年11月,分享Dr. Mike Lockett到新竹說故事的機會,為了準備麥克爺爺的活動,我讀到了他為Mary Had a little Lambe.做解譯的有趣故事。


分享這故事給小朋友聽, What Happened in the story?

這首歌是美國麻薩諸塞州( Massachusetts )Sterling小鎮的女主角Mary Sawyer和一隻小綿羊的故事。美國說故事大師麥克洛克(Mike Lockett)博士改編了一本中英雙語故事書Mary had a little lamb/瑪莉的寶貝小羊,告訴小朋友瑪莉為何有隻小綿羊的有趣故事。從此,不管瑪莉去哪裡,小綿羊總要跟著走,小綿羊和瑪莉一起去學校到底會發生什麼有趣的事呢?小朋友可以想想看!


WasBe 動詞 is的過去式,以名詞來說,表達單數singular (one);而were則是 are的過去式,表達複數名詞plural (more than one)。我們一起動動腦,寫出5個名詞單數與複數的英文單字吧!!

單數Singular (one)

複數Plural (more than one)





 2011年七月在參加41st Ukulele Festival買了一本兒歌Uke 本裏就有這首歌。

很簡單的Uke Chords運用 C , G7 , C~讓我在說故事中可以很讚的彈唱Uke!

    Mary had a little lamb. (Ukule
    創作者 wenyin4readers 的頭像

    Read with My Little Flower!! 愛在陽光花語城堡

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